MY TURN - Wall Street: Unregulated. Main Street: Isolated. American Jobs: Relocated.
If the Top 25 Hedge Fund Managers Paid Taxes Like You and Me - We'd Cut 44 Billion of the National Deficit -Link
Mitt Romney Says: The 99% Envy Wall Street - Video LinkVideo Link - King of Bain, The Suffering Began When Mitt Romney Came to Town
From Wall Street to Washington, we have too many five-watt bulbs sitting in 100-watt sockets pushing us toward a forbidding Kochian jungle in which there is no "we"---money rules, everyone's on their own, and such matters as justice, general welfare, tranquility, and posterity are none of society's damned business. …We must turn their failure into our inspiration for more agitation. After all, they're the ones who're wrong---wrong about the can-do power of the people they pretend to lead, wrong about the depth of this nation's historic commitment to egalitarianism and the common good, wrong about what they think they can get away with.
Confront them in the coming election--demand from every candidate for every office why their idea of what Americans can do is so small. Confront them in the workplace, the media, the pocketbook, the schools, the shareholder meetings, the public forums, the streets... everywhere. ~ Jim Hightower
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
"I Will Repeal ObamaCare"
- Mitt Romney
Link - GOP
The Republican party of "I've got mine and you are on your own" does not care about veterans, the poor, the middle class, teachers, police, government workers, union members or anyone else that is not part of the top 1%.
Mitt Romney claims he created more jobs as Mass. governor than President Obama has created. Here's the reality: OFA.BO/wJDBuc
Monday, January 2, 2012
Ask yourself why does the United States of America rate right at the bottom of this chart? Is that by accident or is it by design? Ask yourself who in America profits from the reality depicted in this chart? Why is it that this reality doesn't exist in any of the other countries listed in this chart?